The Constitution of the Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Club
As Approved 1991

Name:   The name of this organization shall be the Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Club.

Purpose:   The purpose of this organization shall be to further exchange of information and cooperation between members, to promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and individual operating efficiency, and to promote and conduct Club programs and activities as to advance the general interest and welfare of amateur radio in the community.

Membership:   Section 1.  Any licensed radio amateur having a general interest in and subscribing to the purpose of the Club shall become a Full Member upon payment of annual dues.

Section 2.  Persons not licensed radio amateurs, but having a genuine interest in and subscribing to the purpose of the Club may become Associate Members upon payment of annual dues.

Section 3.  Voting shall be the privilege of Full Members only.

Dues:   Annual dues shall be set by the membership, and can be changed by a majority vote of a quorum. The dues will cover the period from January through December. Dues for additional related members in the same household as a Full or Associate member shall be one-half the applicable rate. Dues for full-time students in an accredited school will be one-half the regular rate as long as the student status is maintained. New members joining between July and December will pay one-half the applicable rate for membership through the end of the year.

Officers:   Section 1.  The officers of the Club shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Section 2.  Only full members shall be eligible to hold office or be a member of the Steering Committee.

Section 3.  The Steering Committee shall prepare a slate of nominees for the offices by the 15th day of October and contact each nominee by the 25th day of October. Elections shall be held at the regular meeting in November at which time nominations may be made from the floor. A member of the Steering Committee will nominate the slate prepared by the Steering Committee. A majority vote by a quorum of the Full Members shall elect.

Section 4.  The officers elected at the meeting in November will take office at the meeting in January.

Section 5.  In the case of a permanent vacancy in the office of President, the Vice-President shall become the President and shall serve out the unexpired term. If a vacancy in an office other than that of President occurs between regular elections, the office shall be filled by a majority vote of Full Members at the next regular meeting. Nominations will be made from the floor.

Section 6.  The term of office shall be for one year or for the unexpired term if the election it to fill a permanent vacancy. Officers may succeed themselves in office.

Section 7.  Removal of an officer from his/her duly-elected office shall come only after due consideration by the Full Members. After a Motion for Removal is made, a waiting period of thirty days is required before a vote on the Motion. The officer in question shall be notified in writing by the Steering Committee of the Motion and the reason for it within ten days after the meeting at which the Motion was made. Removal from office shall require three-fourths vote of a quorum.

Duties of Officers:   The President shall preside at all meetings of the membership and Steering Committee, and shall act as spokesperson for the Club. He/she shall conduct all meetings in accordance with the rules adopted, enforce observance of the Constitution of the Club, and decide all questions of order. He/she shall sign all official documents that are adopted by the Club, but shall sign no document which may implicate the Club before such documents or matters contained therein have been placed before and approved by the Club body as a whole. He/she shall perform all other duties pertaining to the office of President. The President shall not be permitted to vote on questions arising on the floor, except in the case of a tie vote. He/she shall, however, have a full vote on the Steering Committee. Upon expiration of the term of office, he/she shall serve as ex-officio for one year as a voting member of the Steering Committee.

The Vice-President shall assume such duties as directed by the President and shall in the absence of the President assume all duties of the office of President during that absence. The Vice-President shall keep an inventory of all Club-owned equipment.

The Secretary shall keep a complete and accurate record of the proceedings of a membership and Steering Committee meetings, keep a roll of membership, carry on all Club correspondence, read all correspondence and bills at meetings, and shall if called upon by the President or a majority vote of attending members at any meeting, read the minutes of the previous meeting. The Secretary shall preside at all meetings for which both the President and Vice-President are absent.

The Treasurer shall collect, hold and disburse the funds of the Club as directed by the Steering Committee, and shall keep accurate records which shall be audited by the Steering Committee or its representative prior to the end of each term of office. The Treasurer shall preside at all meetings in the absence of all other officers.

Steering Committee:   A Steering Committee composed of the elected officers and two members selected by them shall conduct the business of the Club and make policy and other decisions. Their actions shall be subject to the approval of the membership by a majority vote of a quorum. There shall be no discussion of the approval, unless a Motion for Discussion is approved by a majority vote of a quorum. The Motion for Discussion is not subject to discussion but must be put to a vote immediately upon being seconded.

Quorum:   No binding action may be taken unless a quorum is present at the meeting. A quorum shall consist of twenty-five percent of the total number of Full Members in the Club.

Meetings:   Times and places of all meetings with the exception of meetings of the Steering Committee shall be determined by the membership. A regular business meeting shall be held monthly, with exceptions as voted by the membership. A second, optional meeting shall be a dinner meeting and shall be held on a date and at a place determined by the membership. Special Meetings may be called by the President with the approval of or at the request of at least three members of the Steering Committee. A special meeting must be called if requested in writing by at least ten Full Members. Steering Committee meetings shall be called by the President. However, the President shall call a Steering Committee meeting at least once during each quarter of his/her term in office. Ad hoc committee meetings will be called by the respective chairperson.

Amendments:   This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the total number of Full Members. Proposals for amendment shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and shall be voted upon at the next following regular meeting, provided that all Full Members have been notified of the intent to amend the Constitution at said meeting.

Procedure:   Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all meetings.